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Multiplier Event in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece

abril 24, 2024
During the month of February 2024, the TRIFLIM project organized four Multiplier Events in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece to present the project results to the public. The agenda of the events included a revision of the food law needs analysis performed in the frame of the project, an overview of the activities performed during the two years of implementation, a presentation of the methodology developed by the project, the content of the course and the access to the TRIFLIM training platform. The events offered the participants the opportunity to get acquainted with a set of innovative and digital training tools put in place by TRIFLIM. The Food Regulation in the EU course has been developed using the latest technologies and educational approaches such as gamification and storytelling that help make the learning process more motivating and attractive, adapted to the training needs and the preferences of students and profesionals in the agro-food sector. The four Multiplier Events reached a total 145 participants in 4 countries. The Spanish Multiplier Event was hosted by AINIA at its training classrooms in Paterna (Valencia, Spain) on the 13th February 2024. The Portuguese Multiplier Event took place on 20th of February of 2024, at the Lousada’s Municipal Library was organised in collaboration with the ADER-SOUSA – Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural das Terras do Sousa. The Greek Multiplier Event took place at Stratos Vassilikos Hotel in Athens, on 24th February 2024. The Italian Multiplier Event was held on 26 February 2024 at the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore «Amedeo d’Aosta». L’Aquila, Italy

Cooking school students participate in the European Triflim food safety project

octubre 26, 2023
AINIA participates in the development of a pilot online learning experience in EU agri-food legislation Cuisine and Mediterranean Culinary Center (MCC) students collaborate in Valencia with the European Erasmus+ Triflim project VALENCIA (October 25, 2023). Students from the Mediterráneo Culinary Center cooking school participated in the European Triflim project on food safety. Led by the Ainia technology center, this dissemination initiative consists of developing and implementing an innovative electronic learning program (e-learning) to train on agri-food law of the European Union. The Triflim project is aimed at professionals and students in the sector, with the aim of increasing their opportunities in the labor market. Students in the intermediate and higher degrees of Cooking, and also Dietetics, at the Mediterráneo Culinary Center (MCC) receive complete training in food control, quality, safety and hygiene during their vocational training courses. In addition, MCC’s international department participates in this European initiative as a collaborating partner. Due to its extensive experience in managing European projects, the cooking school in Valencia supports the dissemination of Triflim activities. Three European partners also participate in the European project Triflim, coordinated by AINIA and framed in Erasmus+: Virtual Campus, from Portugal; Creative Thinking Development, from Greece, and Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise G Caporale (IZS Teramo), from Italy. The Triflim platform, based on gamification techniques, will train the different agents in the chain, professionals from the agri-food industry, Public Administration technicians, university students and vocational training students in areas linked to the food sector in European Union food law. . The goal is to increase your opportunities in the labor market. Innovation in training in EU Food Law The project lasts two years and is characterized by an innovative approach that merges technological advances with traditional methodologies. The objective is to ensure that professionals in the agri-food industry achieve maximum theoretical-practical knowledge of food law. And this is achieved through this program adapted to your needs. As highlighted by AINIA, the generation of this training platform is being possible thanks to the implementation of pilot experiences in which different professional profiles from the participating countries are involved. The European Triflim project, co-financed by the European Union, is integrated into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. European Triflim Erasmus+ project Financiado por la Unión Europea. Las opiniones y puntos de vista expresados solo comprometen a su(s) autor(es) y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea o los de la Agencia Ejecutiva Europea de Educación y Cultura (EACEA). Ni la Unión Europea ni la EACEA pueden ser considerados responsables de ellos. Todos los derechos están reservados. Se autoriza la reproducción, excepto con fines comerciales, siempre que se cite la fuente. Copyright © TRIFLIM Consortium, 2022-2024

TRIFLIM presented at the 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

marzo 10, 2023
A poster of Triflim project was presented at the 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference – INTED 2023 at Valencia (Spain) on the 6th-8th March 2023. One of the most important priorities in the European Union is to ensure food safety and protection of consumer’s rights. Society and politics are constantly changing. This causes society’s priorities to change over time, which, in turn, translates into new needs and situations that must be evaluated. Consequently, food law is constantly updated to anser new social needs and situations that arise because of our everchanging reality.

Professional training in food law, one of the EU commitments to improve the level of food safety

enero 29, 2023
Food legislation, to cover the new needs and social situations that arise due to the changing reality, is constantly updated. The ignorance of operators and food companies about this type of changes in food legislation negatively affects two essential priorities for the European Union: food safety and the protection of consumer rights. For this reason, the EU is committed to professional training in food law through European initiatives such as the TRIFLIM project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, which we coordinate from AINIA. We tell you. Food safety can be promoted and protected through the dissemination of the knowledge necessary to keep it intact, thus allowing the learning and development of knowledge of those sectors obliged to obey these laws. There is also a significant need to modernize higher education to keep up with globalization and technological advances in Europe. The TRIFLIM project (Training in Food Law through an innovative methodology using new information and communication technology tools) meets these needs and also contributes to the professional development of technicians and professionals in the agri-food sector and related industries. TRIFILM: Food Law training project promoted by the EU The TRIFLIM project, which we coordinate at AINIA, lasts for two years and is aimed at ensuring food safety and the protection of consumer rights in the European Union. Designing and implementing a training program on the food regulatory framework of the European Union and national legislation, deepening and providing theoretical and practical knowledge on this framework that will help in compliance with the law, is the main objective of the project. In this way, we are developing an innovative electronic learning program (e-learning) on European Union food law within the scope of professional training that, in this case, we will carry out using innovative tools in the field of information technology. Information and Communication (ICT) and designing gamification aspects that improve the educational experience. Better knowledge of food law by the target groups will not only improve the level of food safety, but will also increase their awareness of fair information practices, thus helping consumers in the European Union to make informed decisions. Correct and not misleading information. Technology centers, companies and laboratories from different EU countries: Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy The cooperation association created in the TRIFLIM project is made up of four members, each of whom has a complementary effect and, although all of them will be involved in most of the project tasks, they will take the lead according to their most relevant experience. : • AINIA (Spain): Technological center specialized in food. • VIRTUAL CAMPUS LDA (Portugal): SME specialized in development, training and consultancy in the areas of technology-enhanced learning, gamification and information systems. • ISTITUTO ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE DELL’ABRUZZO E DEL MOLISE G CAPORALE (Italy): one of the official veterinary laboratories operating within the network of the Italian Ministry of Health. • CREATIVE THINKING DEVELOPMENT (Greece): non-profit company whose objective is research and development of action plans, mainly in the fields of

Desarrollan una plataforma e-learning en legislación alimentaria de la Unión Europea
06/03/2024 AINIA News

Nueva plataforma para formación en legislación alimentaria de la UE
05/03/2024 A en verde

Desarrollan una plataforma e-learning para formación en legislación alimentaria de la UE
05/03/2024 Aral

13/02/2024 AINIA

13/02/2024 AINIA

AINIA desarrolla en el desarrollo de una experiencia de aprendizaje online en derecho agroalimentario
25/10/2023 AGRONEWS

AINIA participa en el desarrollo de una experiencia piloto de aprendizaje online en legislacion alimentaria
25/10/2023 Law & Trends

AINIA participa en el desarrollo de una experiencia piloto de aprendizaje online en legislación agroalimentaria de la UE
25/10/2023 Mediterráneo Culinary Center

AINIA participa en el desarrollo de una experiencia piloto de aprendizaje online en legislación alimentaria
25/10/2023 AINIA

2nd transnational meeting of TRIFLIM project in Rafina at CRETHIDEV offices
10/02/23 Enypografa.gr

Formazione, allo studio un corso in e-learning sulla normativa alimentare e mangimistica UE
10/02/23 Alimenti e bevande

L’IZS di Teramo nel progetto Erasmus+ sulla normativa europea in materia di mangimi e alimenti
09/02/23 Ekuonews

Mangimi ed alimenti, la sicurezza in Europa passa anche dall’IZS
09/02/23 City rumors

L’IZS di Teramo partner del progetto Erasmus Plus che prevede un programma di formazione eLearning sulla normativa comunitaria in materia di mangimi e alimenti, per garantire la sicurezza alimentare in Europa
09/02/23 Giulianova news

Impulsan una innovadora formación sobre legislación alimentaria con técnicas de gamificación
23/11/22 Europa Press

Innovadora formación sobre legislación alimentaria con técnicas de gamificación
23/11/22 El Periòdic

Innovadora formación sobre legislación alimentaria con técnicas de gamificación
23/11/22 qcom

Impulsan una innovadora formación sobre legislación alimentaria con técnicas de gamificación
23/11/22 Poscosecha

Impulsan una innovadora formación sobre legislación alimentaria con técnicas de ludificación
24/11/22 a en verde

AINIA comienza un proyecto de formación de dos años sobre legislación alimentaria europea
25/11/22 Eurocarne

Impulsan una innovadora formación sobre legislación alimentaria con técnicas de gamificación
25/11/22 Interempresas

e-learning space

Access our e-learning platform

As a result of the triflim project, an online training platform based on Moodle will be developed. All the contents have been developed collaboratively by the team of project partners and are available from this platform.


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