Cooking school students participate in the European Triflim food safety project

By Josep Martinez 9 meses ago
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AINIA participates in the development of a pilot online learning experience in EU agri-food legislation

Cuisine and Mediterranean Culinary Center (MCC) students collaborate in Valencia with the European Erasmus+ Triflim project

VALENCIA (October 25, 2023). Students from the Mediterráneo Culinary Center cooking school participated in the European Triflim project on food safety. Led by the Ainia technology center, this dissemination initiative consists of developing and implementing an innovative electronic learning program (e-learning) to train on agri-food law of the European Union. The Triflim project is aimed at professionals and students in the sector, with the aim of increasing their opportunities in the labor market.

Students in the intermediate and higher degrees of Cooking, and also Dietetics, at the Mediterráneo Culinary Center (MCC) receive complete training in food control, quality, safety and hygiene during their vocational training courses. In addition, MCC’s international department participates in this European initiative as a collaborating partner. Due to its extensive experience in managing European projects, the cooking school in Valencia supports the dissemination of Triflim activities.

Three European partners also participate in the European project Triflim, coordinated by AINIA and framed in Erasmus+: Virtual Campus, from Portugal; Creative Thinking Development, from Greece, and Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise G Caporale (IZS Teramo), from Italy.

The Triflim platform, based on gamification techniques, will train the different agents in the chain, professionals from the agri-food industry, Public Administration technicians, university students and vocational training students in areas linked to the food sector in European Union food law. . The goal is to increase your opportunities in the labor market.

Innovation in training in EU Food Law

The project lasts two years and is characterized by an innovative approach that merges technological advances with traditional methodologies. The objective is to ensure that professionals in the agri-food industry achieve maximum theoretical-practical knowledge of food law. And this is achieved through this program adapted to your needs.

As highlighted by AINIA, the generation of this training platform is being possible thanks to the implementation of pilot experiences in which different professional profiles from the participating countries are involved. The European Triflim project, co-financed by the European Union, is integrated into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

European Triflim Erasmus+ project

Financiado por la Unión Europea.

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