Multiplier Event in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece

By Josep Martinez 3 meses ago
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During the month of February 2024, the TRIFLIM project organized four Multiplier Events in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece to present the project results to the public. The agenda of the events included a revision of the food law needs analysis performed in the frame of the project, an overview of the activities performed during the two years of implementation, a presentation of the methodology developed by the project, the content of the course and the access to the TRIFLIM training platform.

The events offered the participants the opportunity to get acquainted with a set of innovative and digital training tools put in place by TRIFLIM. The Food Regulation in the EU course has been developed using the latest technologies and educational approaches such as gamification and storytelling that help make the learning process more motivating and attractive, adapted to the training needs and the preferences of students and profesionals in the agro-food sector.

The four Multiplier Events reached a total 145 participants in 4 countries.

The Spanish Multiplier Event was hosted by AINIA at its training classrooms in Paterna (Valencia, Spain) on the 13th February 2024.

TRIFLIM spanish multiplier event

The Portuguese Multiplier Event took place on 20th of February of 2024, at the Lousada’s Municipal Library was organised in collaboration with the ADER-SOUSA – Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural das Terras do Sousa.

TRIFLIM greek multiplier event

The Greek Multiplier Event took place at Stratos Vassilikos Hotel in Athens, on 24th February 2024.

TRIFLIM italian multiplier event

The Italian Multiplier Event was held on 26 February 2024 at the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore «Amedeo d’Aosta». L’Aquila, Italy

TRIFLIM multiplier event
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