Professional training in food law, one of the EU commitments to improve the level of food safety

By Alfredo Sanchez 1 año ago
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Food legislation, to cover the new needs and social situations that arise due to the changing reality, is constantly updated. The ignorance of operators and food companies about this type of changes in food legislation negatively affects two essential priorities for the European Union: food safety and the protection of consumer rights. For this reason, the EU is committed to professional training in food law through European initiatives such as the TRIFLIM project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, which we coordinate from AINIA. We tell you.

Food safety can be promoted and protected through the dissemination of the knowledge necessary to keep it intact, thus allowing the learning and development of knowledge of those sectors obliged to obey these laws. There is also a significant need to modernize higher education to keep up with globalization and technological advances in Europe. The TRIFLIM project (Training in Food Law through an innovative methodology using new information and communication technology tools) meets these needs and also contributes to the professional development of technicians and professionals in the agri-food sector and related industries.

TRIFILM: Food Law training project promoted by the EU

The TRIFLIM project, which we coordinate at AINIA, lasts for two years and is aimed at ensuring food safety and the protection of consumer rights in the European Union.

Designing and implementing a training program on the food regulatory framework of the European Union and national legislation, deepening and providing theoretical and practical knowledge on this framework that will help in compliance with the law, is the main objective of the project. In this way, we are developing an innovative electronic learning program (e-learning) on European Union food law within the scope of professional training that, in this case, we will carry out using innovative tools in the field of information technology. Information and Communication (ICT) and designing gamification aspects that improve the educational experience.
Better knowledge of food law by the target groups will not only improve the level of food safety, but will also increase their awareness of fair information practices, thus helping consumers in the European Union to make informed decisions. Correct and not misleading information.

Technology centers, companies and laboratories from different EU countries: Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy

The cooperation association created in the TRIFLIM project is made up of four members, each of whom has a complementary effect and, although all of them will be involved in most of the project tasks, they will take the lead according to their most relevant experience. :
• AINIA (Spain): Technological center specialized in food.
• VIRTUAL CAMPUS LDA (Portugal): SME specialized in development, training and consultancy in the areas of technology-enhanced learning, gamification and information systems.
• ISTITUTO ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE DELL’ABRUZZO E DEL MOLISE G CAPORALE (Italy): one of the official veterinary laboratories operating within the network of the Italian Ministry of Health.
• CREATIVE THINKING DEVELOPMENT (Greece): non-profit company whose objective is research and development of action plans, mainly in the fields of lifelong learning, employment, sports, environmental protection and local development.
In addition, this project will have a partner in the field of professional and educational training: MEDITERRÁNEO CULINARY CENTER (MCC): an authorized professional training center specialized in Cooking, Gastronomy, Dietetics and Nutrition.

Training technicians and professionals in the agri-food sector and related industries

The project is aimed at the food market, focused on technicians and professionals in the agri-food sector and related industries. Likewise, it focuses on professionals in the marketing area and those whose work is directly related to the export and import of raw materials and processed foods, as well as other actors, such as representatives of government institutions, professional associations, etc.

As a project included within the scope of vocational education and training, vocational training students, training professionals and trainers will be considered as the main recipients

TRIFLIM project is a project co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, a program that is carried out in the fields of education, training, youth and sport, whose main objective is to «support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in the fields of education, training, youth and sport, within Europe and outside its territory, thus contributing to sustainable growth, quality employment and social cohesion, as well as boosting innovation and strengthening European identity and active citizenship.


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